Wednesday 28 August 2013

We Are Grateful #2

Grateful sentences #2. 

These are some of the things that the children were grateful for today. 

(Feel a bit conceited putting some of these up! :P )

I’m grateful for my teacher because she is beautiful – Nevaeh

I am grateful for the whole world because God made it – Nate

I am grateful for Mrs Hamilton because she is nice- Jayme

I am grateful for the birds in the trees because they sing- Eleasha

I am grateful for my friends because they’re nice to me- Tupou

I am thankful for land because we won’t sink- Rafael

I am grateful for my mum because she cooks dinner for me- Yuu

I am grateful for my mum because she takes me to McDonalds- Rhianna

I am grateful for my mum because she cooks dinner for me- Tawanashe

I am grateful for the school because it is awesome- Lucas

I am grateful for my Grandad because he spoils me with lollies and toys- James

I am grateful for the trees so we can breathe- Emilie

I am grateful for the pattern on my hand because God did a good job making us- Sam

I am grateful for Mrs Hamilton because she teaches us good things not bad things- Miane

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