Wednesday 25 September 2013

Working with a buddy!

Today for Oral Language,  we worked in pairs to create our creative sentences. Our two topics were Crabs and Jesus! 

The shiny, orange crab is swimming with it’s friend Jesus, splash, splash, splash – Millie and Tawanashe

God made the whole world and He made the crabs special because when they grow big, the shell gets smaller and falls off and the crabs need a new home- Sam and Yuu

The little, orange crab is trying to find it’s mum but by accident it got squashed by a rock and the blue humoungous whale squashed the rock.The crab went up to heaven and Jesus looked after the poor orange crab- Tamara and James

The huge crab is on the golden beach with Jesus- Robson and Matthew

The red crawly crab is made by Jesus and Jesus put it in the blue water- Nevaeh and Miane

The big orange and red crab is in the blue water, splash, splash, splash- Emilie and Rhianna

The big, humoungous crab is playing in the water with Jesus and the crab is eating lots of fish- Ollie, Jayme and Rafael

The orange crab is on the beach and Jesus was walking by it.  Jesus said to the orange crab “you are made by me” – Nate and Andrew

The orange crab is on the yellow beach and it went into the blue water- Tupou and Eleasha

The shining red crab is in the water eating blue shiny fish- Nathan and Lucas 

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