Wednesday 29 May 2013

Twisty Bodies!

As part of our Road Safety topic, we created something to create awareness of how to be safe on a bike!

Check out these photos of what we did with our bodies!

Stay tuned to find out what we spelt out and to see the finished product!

Monday 13 May 2013

Same on both sides?

During our first week back, we looked at Symmetry for Maths.

We learnt that things that are symmetrical are the same on both sides.

We practised making different patterns and working with a partner to make the reflections of different things.

We used blocks, pegs, bottle caps, rods, counters and more!

Here are a few photos to check out.

Rainy Days

On our first day back this term, it rained and rained!

Part of the primary school got very flooded and the bark swam out of the playground!

We had to play inside and stay away from the puddles.

Here are some photos!

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

Last term, we went swimming!

We went to Starfish Swim School and learnt how to keep safe around water.

Some things we learnt were:
- Getting into the pool safely
- Floating on our fronts and backs
- Kicking with a board on our fronts and backs
- Arm circles
- Streamline kicking

We also did fun things like races, getting things off the bottom and diving into the big pool!

Check our some photos of us swimming.