Sunday 17 March 2013

Rocky Shore Adventures!

We recently went on a field trip to Taylors Mistake as part of our Rocky Shore topic :)

Huge thanks to the parents that came and helped out with transport and supervision!

Mr Taylor, Mrs Grove, Mrs Williams, Mrs Cleave, Mr Roper and Mrs Roper- We so appreciated you coming with us! We loved having you there and hope you enjoyed yourselves too!
Here are a few snaps from the day!

After we had our morning tea, we had a sandcastle building contest!
Mr Taylor, Mrs Grove, Miane, James, Rhianna and Millie made a fantastic ship!
Mrs Williams, Mrs Cleave, Nevaeh, Matthew, Jayme, Robson and Nathan made an octopus!
It was one of the winning castles so the children got prizes!
Good work team!
Mr Roper, Mrs Roper, Lucas, Andrew, Abigail, Rafael and Tawanashe made a town called Happyville!
After the sandcastles, we went over to the rock pools and spotted some cool creatures!
Mrs Phillips found a crab!
We had a great time at Rocky Shore!
(And were all very tired that night AND the next day!

The Heart of Room C

We recently did a topic called "Who am I?"

This was a topic where students explored their Mihi's and their places of standing.
 It was an opporutnity for the children in Room C to reflect on what makes them special.
To finish off our unit, we talked about the scipture Psalm 139:14.
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made"

We talked about how everyone is unique and has their own strengths and abilities that they bring. To help us remember, we made something to go up on our wall.
Check out our masterpiece!

We are all special in Room C! We all bring different things that make us unique! This heart reminds us that we are all special and that every single one of us is needed to make up the heart of Room C!
Feel free to come in and check it out!

Blog Post of Fame #4

Week 6 certificates went to two wonderful children this week!
 Congratulations to Jayme for making a huge effort to sit nicely on the mat! :)
Good girl Jayme, I have been so impressed by you!
Congratulations to James for using fantastic language in his recount writing!
James, your writing is getting better and better!

Monday 4 March 2013

Hats Galore!

We have been using our thinking hats in Room C!
We have been using our yellow hats and our black hats!

We made some hats to help us remember about our thinking hats :)

 These are our yellow hats and happy faces. We use this hat to think about all the good things!

These are our black hats and sad/grumpy faces. We use this hat to think about all the bad things!

Next we will be using our red hats and our white hats!

Blog Post of Fame #3!

Congratulations to the wonderful children who got certificates last, last week! (This is a little delayed sorry!)

Lucas got his certificate for always doing what the teacher says straight away! He also got it for being so polite :) Ka Pai Lucas!

Nathan's certificate was for always trying his best! Nathan's writing just keeps getting better and better :)

Millie got the special "Mrs Phillip's congratulates" award! Millie's writing earned her this special award.

The children in Room C are amazing! Keep it up!