Friday 22 February 2013

Fly Away!

This week our poem has been Two Little Dicky Birds!

For our poetry response, we made two wee birds and said our poem with actions.

 First we stuck our poems into our books.
Then we coloured and cut out our birds.
Next we glued feathers on, and stuck our birds onto sticks!



When we had all finished, we said our poem together!


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Fabulous Flowers!

For our art this term, we are focusing on print making!

We have made some beautiful flowers.
We used our hands for the petals, a flax leaf for the stem, a real leaf for the leaf and bubble wrap for the middle part!

Feel free to come into the classroom and have a look at them up close!
We will be making caterpillars next so keep checking back for photos of us making our prints!

Blog Post of Fame #2!

Congratulations to the wonderful children who received certificates in assembly last week!

Matthew's certificate was for slowing down and doing his work much more carefully! Good boy Matthew, I've been so impressed by you :)

Miane's certificate was for always being such a respectful person in Room C. I love how you always remember to speak kindly to others and to sit nicely on the mat :)

Rafael also got a certificate for being a brave boy when mum and dad leave in the mornings. Good work Rafael, super fantastic!

Stay tuned for more updates :)

Thursday 7 February 2013

Blog Post of Fame!

Today we had junior assembly.

We sang songs and followed Mrs Phillips for the actions.

We listened to some other classes sharing their work.

Some of the children in Room C shared their wonderful recount writing about Waitangi Day.

Good work Rhianna, Millie, James, and Abigail! I was so proud of you.

Congratulations to the wonderful children who got the first certificates from Room C!

 Robson's certificate was for always being such a great friend in Room C! Good work Robson!

 Rhianna's certificate was for always trying her best in everything and for going out of her comfort zone this week!

Millie's certificate was for her amazing recount writing this week! I was so impressed with how much she wrote and the fantastic language she used in her writing!

Explore Time!

Today in Rooms A, B, C, we had Explore time!
We had such a fun time choosing different activities to do.

We are learning to relate to each other.
Today our focus was on including and caring for each other.

              Here are Matthew, Jayme and Lucas playing nicely together.

 Here are Nathan, Abigail, Miane, Millie and Rhianna playing in the Discovery Room together!

             Rafael and Robson are doing some serious woodwork!

Here is Nevaeh with some Room A students. They made pikelets with Mrs Phillips for all of the children!

Monday 4 February 2013

Welcome to Room C!

Here is the wonderful Room C for 2013!

We have had a very busy first week learning lots of different things.
Room C are working very well and are all excited to be at school!

We are learning to speak kindly to each other, remembering to use our manners!

Watch this space for more photos and updates on what Room C are doing this year!